Paloma Weekly Wings: Oct 1, 2024 - Paloma and Pigeon v1.15.1 - v2.3.0, Pigeon Feed, Deploy Smart Contracts, Cosmos SDK 0.50.10, and LightNodes

Now that Paloma has launched Pigeon Feed, we will pivot the Weekly Wings to focus on Paloma Bots that will be launching on Paloma and using the Paloma Pigeon Feed Functionality and the Paloma LightNodes to create more rewards for LightNode stakers and validators.


The New Hatchling Paloma Network of


(v2.3.0) and the Pigeon relay module is on v2.3.0. Paloma is over one year old, and its Cosmwasm and EVM contracts are still unaudited. It is undergoing continuous upgrades on the protocol and its smart contracts. The GRAIN token is available on the Paloma mainnet but is not yet trading on exchanges. Although the flock is flying on the


mainnet, it is still subject to the continued development of Paloma’s cross-chain messaging system and the security guarantees offered by the GRAIN token. We expect


to experience weekly chain halts and chain restarts for upgrades. We also expect numerous undiscovered bugs and vulnerabilities. No one on this project controls or influences the price of GRAINs. The community will strive to preserve the mainnet state, which includes balances, but considers this mainnet high-risk. Proceed with caution.

Paloma is now at v2.3.0 with a number of major releases since July 30th. They include the following:

Pigeon Feed allows for validators to be assigned message relays based on their relay performance across the supported chains.


The current message lifecycle is very bare bone. Pigeons ask for messages to be signed, and ultimately relay it. There is little filtering or state processing done. A message will even be handed out for relaying long before it has reached a consensus on signatures (Pigeon checks that, not Paloma).

This change adds the concept of gas estimation to all consensus queue messages. It’s not super pretty, since really only EVM messages will need the data. However, the CQ module is the primary interface for managing the queue and message lifecycles. It’s already grossly interwoven with the EVM module, and the idea of abstraction has not paid off. We hope to address this in the future.

Paloma will hand out messages for gas estimation once they have reached a consensus on signatures. Pigeons will not relay a message that requires gas estimation and has not yet received one. Even though a message might have been fully signed, it won’t be relayed until gas estimation is completed.

For this, Pigeons will query the message, build the payload, and estimate the gas using their configured RPC provider. They will send their estimate to Paloma, and Paloma will start tracking every estimate. We expect estimates to be different across RPC providers and have settled to use the median value of all collected estimates with a generous


multiplier for safety margins.

Paloma will continuously monitor messages and check whether they have received enough estimates to calculate the estimate. IF the message happens to be an SLC message, Paloma will then proceed to automatically calculated the fees based on the relayer fee settings for this message.

Once a message has been estimated, all signatures are removed from the message and the signing process starts again, this time using the embedded information (fees & estimates). After this second round of signatures, the messages will finally be sent.


This change adds the needed building bricks for gas estimation to the Skyway module, which works independently from the consensus module and regular relay messages. Ideally, the Skyway stuff should be boiled down only to perform some additional logic on top of the CQ.


The PR adds a CLI interface to interact with user-defined smart contracts:


This change upgrades Paloma to

comsos-sdk v0.50.10

and introduces support for

cosmwasm 2.0

The Paloma LightNode repo is moved from public to private as we plan to commercialize upgrades to v2. v1 will be released in a separate repo.

Paloma LightNodes are now live with 50,000 GRAINs minted to secure the Paloma network.

Stay up to date and follow the Paloma public repositories and the commits of ongoing upgrades to the Paloma Cosmos-SDK blockchain and the Pigeon relay module here:


Ancient Tumbler

is a



fancy pigeon

. Ancient Tumblers, along with other varieties of

domesticated pigeons

, are all descendants from the

rock pigeon


Columba livia



Welcome to the new version of Paloma. Paloma now allows any developer to leverage it to create and distribute tokens to trade on any target chain. Paloma LightNodes are now live and are adding a new network security layer with mining for stake delegation activity that aims to maintain even power distribution on the network.

To follow the project on Github, please star the project:

To participate in the community, please join the Paloma Discord: