PIP Name: PIP-120: Update Paloma Mainnet fee to create a denom
Status: Proposed
Author(s): @birdlady
Type: Parameter Change
Discussions-to: Governance - Paloma
Created: 02/04/2025
Simple Summary
To encourage token launches on Palomatalent, Paloma wants to lower the amount needed to create a new denom.
Paloma is preparing the launch for Palomatalent where talent creators can create new tokens. To encourage token launches on Palomatalent, Paloma wants to lower the amount needed to create a new denom from 10 GRAIN to 0.0001 GRAIN.
As Paloma now begins to onboard users, it seeks to lower the friction for non-Paloma GRAIN holders to participate on the network. To encourage fast onboarding and token creation, the fee for creating a new token denom will be lowered
Specification Overview
Update the tokenfactory denom_creation_fee
parameter .
Technical Specification
Paloma Proposed tokenfactory
"params": {
"denom_creation_fee": [
"denom": "ugrain",
"amount": "100"
How to submit the proposal
Run the following governance command
palomad tx gov submit-proposal <path to proposal.json> \
--from <Paloma Address> \
--chain-id tumbler \
--node <node_name>
with the following pip-120.json
"messages": [
"@type": "/palomachain.paloma.tokenfactory.MsgUpdateParams",
"authority": "paloma10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700jz87xyk",
"params": {
"denom_creation_fee": [{"denom":"ugrain","amount":"100"}]
"metadata": {
"creator": "paloma10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700jz87xyk",
"signers": ["paloma10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700jz87xyk"]
"metadata": "ipfs://CID",
"deposit": "1000000000ugrain",
"title": "PIP-120: Update Paloma Mainnet fee to create denom",
"summary": "PIP-120: Update Paloma Mainnet fee to create a denom",
"expedited": true
"title": "PIP-120: Update Paloma Mainnet fee to create a denom",
"authors": [
"summary": "PIP-120: Update Paloma Mainnet fee to create a denom",
"details": "Lower the fee to create a denom on Paloma from 10GRAIN to 0.0001GRAIN",
"proposal_forum_url": "https://forum.palomachain.com/c/governance/6",
"vote_option_context": "Vote YES to update the tokenfactory denom_creation_fee"
How to Vote on the Proposal
palomad tx gov vote 163 yes \
--chain-id tumbler \
--from=<Paloma Address> \
-b block
The parameter update does not require chain start and is meant to encourage active participation in the Paloma network.
About Paloma
Paloma wants to be the fastest relay chain in the world with the most decentralized network of validators that can attest to any transaction with the fastest possible execution. Paloma aims to make it easy for developers to control smart contracts on any Solana, Ethereum L1, L2, and L3 chain.
To learn more about Paloma, please visit https://palomachain.com
To follow the project on Github, please star the project GitHub - palomachain/paloma: The fast blockchain messenger protocol
To participate in the community, please join the Paloma Discord: Paloma