VolumeFi AMA PalomaSwap Paloma Bots

Volume Finance discusses PalomaSwap & Paloma Bots in this week’s Volume AMA. Taariq Lewis @LewisTaariq, founder of VolumeFi (


) and Paloma Chain @palomachain, is joined by VolumeFi’s Product Manager, Vera Behr @v_behr. They share recent updates and discuss the bots they have been working on.

The host, Taariq Lewis, welcomes everyone on the show and explains the difference between Volume and Paloma. Volume is the software company that has been provisioned and hired by the Paloma Chain to bring the Paloma protocol to life. He shares that Volume is also interested in the project because they want to build services on top of Paloma and use it as the public network to deliver private services similar to how Ethereum or Bitcoin is used.

He then proceeds to talk about PalomaSwap. It is built by Volume, which is not connected to Paloma at the moment except for GRAIN distribution. It is a front-end swap to multiple DEXs and smart contracts. Taariq further explains the difference between Paloma and Volume:

He proceeds to relay the agenda of the AMA and says that the AMA is not intended for investment advice, advertising GRAINs or how to purchase them, and clarifies that they did not make an AMA to encourage everyone to hold or possess GRAINs. Volume is a software company where the goal is to build on top of Paloma.

Taariq then starts to give an update about PalomaSwap. Its frontend is meant to take advantage of Paloma’s infrastructure. Now that Paloma’s on mainnet, they want to begin with an interface that would allow the Volume team to show the easy way to start using Paloma, which is through the PalomaSwap. The easiest way to use Paloma is to get GRAINs. About 1 million GRAINdrop is still active, about 20,000 or more GRAINs have already been delivered to some users, and nearly 225 or more than $225,000 in Volume on PalomaSwap. He explains PalomaSwap’s current features:

They have Wallchain as their partner for the back-run and bloXroute as their partner for the back-run and front-run. Taariq says that they’re very impressed with the people using the service to collect GRAINs and he thinks that it’s really a good use case for Paloma as the first one to get tokens and also additional privacy. Volume has been growing and they like to tell people that it seems like the easiest way to get GRAINs is just swapped between stables. It was started by a Paloma community member and they find it genius. Since BNB is cheap, USDT can be swapped for Binance USD. They have 10 DEXs and they’re adding new ones. They have recently launched Arbitrum on PalomaSwap and they will be adding more Arbitrum DEXs so people can swap. Taariq says that Arbitrum Volume has been an impressive L2 and they’re trying to make sure that people can get all their tokens on PalomaSwap that they can’t get anywhere else. He adds:

There are currently 50 validators on the Paloma network on mainnet who are continuously securing the network–they stake and re-stake. Taariq thanks the Paloma validator set for keeping the network up and people at Volume are committed to bringing more people to use the network. He also says that they are aware that network costs money and they have seen people sell their Paloma eggs for cash because they know that things are expensive, data center time is expensive, growth is slow, getting users onboarding is slow, and getting them aware of Paloma is slow. But the good news is more people are discovering PalomaSwap and it’s growing Taariq says they hope that as they share that people can swap more Arbitrum tokens, people will continue to see it as a cheap, low-cost way to get GRAINs. They will continue to work on it as the flagship product for Paloma to get GRAINs.

Taariq shares that they have been looking at other dApps that they’d like to build on top of Paloma. They don’t want to be the only people building, but Taariq says that the promise of delivering in the Paloma network is still a ways away, which is scheduled cross-chain messages. Although Paloma can give cross-chain messages, scheduling them is not ready yet. And Paloma’s mainnet has not yet deployed any chains to mainnet. Taariq says that anybody in the world can deploy a chain to mainnet, but because there are so many chains, there are so many possibilities. He shares:

Taariq proceeds to discuss bots. He says that bots are their main way and are a good use case for scheduled messages. It’s like wanting to send a message on a chain when a certain condition is met. And Paloma is currently able to monitor low-end conditions, but it’s still not advanced. There’s a lot more that needs to be shipped. With that, Taariq shares information about their bots:

Paloma has also upgraded its test to 15, which is a series of fixes on Pigeon and Paloma. They also recently had a chain halt and people were building from Source. They’re now upgraded to Cosmos SDK B45.13, Compass was also upgraded as well as Pigeon. Taariq says that maybe because Compass is deployed on Paloma Testnet, it needs to be deployed again. It doesn’t have the event monitoring system, it still may not be a missing link to being able to use the DCA bot effectively. They will have to redeploy Compass to BNB as a new contract because it will have event tracking and event emissions on the contract. They can try to deploy the new Compass contract because they are going to test the DCA bot. They have been testing it in private testnets. He says:

When the DCA does work, anybody will be able to use it. But Taariq says they find these things hard and quite annoying that people would rather go to service and dollar-cost average into Arbitrum token or Ethereum over the next three months or a year and Volume will handle the management of the message passing on Paloma. It’d be essentially using PalomaSwap’s front end. This is where Volume is looking to leverage Paloma as a middleware for its services, and the DCA bot is the first of that type. They are one contract deployment away from verifying that the DCA bot can work on the public test net and remind everybody the public testnet is targeting the BNB’s mainnet. Taariq says that the reason they are not doing this on mainnet right now is that they still want to run it on testnet. This is all practice for upgrading to v0.47.1 on Paloma Cosmos SDK.

Volume wants to be the bot provider of choice on Paloma. Anybody could use Paloma, deploy DEX on Paloma, or build their own CosmWasm apps on Paloma today. As for Momentum, Taariq says they are looking at the Momentum orders. The Momentum Trading repo in the VolumeFi GitHub is VolumeFi’s code and it’s been recently updated and they are adding more indicators. It’s free software so anyone can use it and trade it to find a lot of tokens in the Crypto universe. Taariq shares his brief experiences while trading and says he gets scared whenever he makes money. He says that the Trading Bot’s a lot of fun and the Momentum Order bot is a great way to discover the best tokens in the Crypto universe and the Bear Market.

He then mentions Python Script, which is helpful in finding more tokens and more projects. They call it a bot because it’s just a filter. The public repo is open and anyone can use it. It has disclaimers that indicate it’s not financial advice, people may lose money and there’s no guarantee that it will even function. Taariq shares:

Uniswap V2 Arbitrum is live, and a lot of Arbitrum DEXs will be added so that people will get exposure. Taariq then shares the Limit Order Bot, which he refers to as the first bot, the granddad of bots on the Volume repo. It was used to execute onto proof of concept Uniswap V3 order positions with USCC Eth using Paloma using Pyth prices on Paloma. And now, they’ve upgraded again, which covers any Uniswap V3 pairs, so limit orders for any Uniswap V3 pairs can now be done. They are also adding support for Uniswap V2 variants. Taariq shares why:

The host wraps up the show by telling everyone that there’s more to come. He says that the bots are meant to be tuned towards Paloma and their goal at Volume is to continue building and releasing bots that will work on Paloma. They also hope that they would be able to invite people to build their own bots on Paloma as well.

With that, Taariq thanked everyone who tuned in and gave a special shout-out to people who became part of the Paloma community for their commitment and dedication to the project. Their goal at Volume is to build blockchains tuned for trading across other blockchains in an automated way.

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