PIP-96: Register The Deployer Addresses For Paloma’s User-Deployed Smart Contracts

PIP Name: PIP-96: Register The Deployer Addresses For Paloma’s User-Deployed Smart Contracts

Status: Proposed

Author(s): @BoweryKing

Type: EVM Proposal

Discussions-to: Governance - Paloma

Created: 09/05/2024

Simple Summary

This proposal will register a the deployer smart contracts for Paloma users to deploy any smart contract to any target chain via the Paloma network.


With the release of Paloma 2.1.2 and Pigeon Feed, any user may use the Paloma SDK to deploy contracts on any target chain integrated into the Paloma network. This PIP is the proposal to register the deployer addresses For Paloma’s User-Deployed Smart Contracts.


To use the Paloma network to deploy arbitrary contracts to any target EVM chain, Paloma must register the deployer contracts on the target EVM Chains. This vote registers the deployer addresses in Paloma via governance.

Technical Specification

Deploy Smart Contracts

Deploy any smart contract to any supported Paloma chain via the CLI, using the Pigeon Feed functionality to pay for message relays.

The PR adds a CLI interface to interact with user-defined smart contracts:

  • Upload new contract to Paloma. The contract will be available to be deploy in any of our target chains.
  • List contracts. Users can see their contracts and deployment status, as well as target addresses when successfully deployed.
  • Remove contract. Delete the contract from Paloma.
  • Deploy contract. Trigger deployment of a previously uploaded smart contract to any of our target chains.
  1. Run the governance command to deploy the smart contract to all evm chains.
palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal evm set-smart-contract-deployers '{"arbitrum-main":"0xE28ad6E2894Fc2C33D3BC7DAA1bf04aEa6678C48", "bnb-main":"0x5cC4dEbF676BE9Fd5aB699bd7000E940749981D8", "eth-main":"0xb2449dd9F3DFbB203bFa7c38Aad2FeD497aA4328", "gnosis-main":"0x459b79A1Bf3C98409B115A67fA45103627F7D97a", "matic-main":"0xc8c7025CAe2FF0206BA5B2B61F1C426a10C7502b", "op-main":"0xE9aD5AcF81f7300615B2431FAd656A0656469137", "base-main":"0xE5f309FE2586D2643551A63765Ba82419203e245", "blast-main":"0x13c4aF85acde78De274A7A8CD4637cb9693C9840"}' \
    --title "Vote to set contract deployer addresses for all chains" \
    --summary "PIP-96: Register The Deployer Addresses For Paloma’s User-Deployed Smart Contractss" \
    --deposit 10000000ugrain \
    --fees 6000ugrain \
    --gas auto \
    --from <From Paloma Address> \
    --chain-id tumbler \

How to Vote on Proposals 117

palomad tx gov vote 117 yes \
--chain-id tumbler \
--from <Your Paloma Address> \
--fees 400ugrain \
--node <Your node> \


The Paloma Deployer contracts now allow any developer to deploy any contract to any EVM chain supported by Paloma.

About Paloma

Paloma wants to be the fastest relay chain in the world with the most decentralized network of validators that can attest to any transaction with the fastest possible execution. Paloma aims to make it easy for developers to control smart contracts on any Solana, Ethereum L1, L2, and L3 chain.

To learn more about Paloma, please visit https://palomachain.com

To follow the project on Github, please star the project GitHub - palomachain/paloma: The fast blockchain messenger protocol

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