Volume AMA: Paloma, Skyway, Palomabot, and Tailored Updates

The Paloma Chain’s continuing upgrades serve to further strengthen the network and quality of service, according to Taariq Lewis, @LewisTaariq, CEO of VolumeFi (volume.finance) and host of this week’s AMA episode. He also shares updates on Volume’s ezETH Llamalend bots for Curve, Prediction bots, and Tailored.

As Paloma is now officially multi-EVM, the integration of Skyway, the upgraded version of Gravity Bridge, enables cross-chain communications between Cosmos and any EVM with all commands coming from Paloma. Skyway will ensure that performance on all target chains will be better than the competition.

The recent chain halt caused by the increased volume of valset updates and leverage trading transactions will be addressed in the next upgrade. Curve’s ezETH leverage bots for Llamalend markets are on pause as liquidity flows in and will go live again when Paloma comes back online. Designed to make leverage trading simple and easy, these bots come with soft liquidation, automatic repayments, and automatic self-liquidation.

Prediction bots had a strong debut and will be back next week as Paloma prepares for an upcoming sale event.

Tailored, Paloma’s first AI Twitter app is undergoing front-end work. The aim is to ensure decentralized storage utility for users while rewarding them with up to 1,000 free AI points.

The deployment of test GRAINS across the bridge will begin after the upgrade of Paloma, Pigeon, and the new Compass.

Taariq welcomes everyone to Volume’s weekly update on Twitter spaces.

He reports that Paloma was upgraded to v1.15.2 on Monday and participated by 30 validators. The main change is the introduction of Skyway, the newly upgraded version of Gravity Bridge.

As Paloma is now officially multi-EVM, Skyway enables the chain to execute from EVM to EVM with all commands coming from Paloma. All validators must support all deployed chains.

Taariq notes the rising demand from folks in the modular space. While Paloma has modules for cross-chain communications, the continuous upgrades on the network and the integration of Skyway will ensure that performance on all target chains will be better than the competition.

Taariq shares that the recent release of a TX validation resulted in the halting of submit logic calls likely due to the increased volume of valset updates and leverage trading traffic. He assures that the next upgrade will fix these issues and further strengthen Paloma.

The Compass EVM will also be upgraded to include extensions allowing validators to collect revenue on all target chains serviced by Paloma validators.

More upgrades and new releases are scheduled next week, including another chain halt to bring Paloma back online.

Taariq announces that although Volume’s Curve ETH Llamalend bots are live, there is not enough liquidity for people to use them today. They are looking to have them working again next week as liquidity flows in and when Paloma comes back online. He mentions that points will be available on Volume bots in partnership with Renzo, Mellow, and Symbiotic.

Paloma’s Prediction bots experienced a strong debut with many players checking them out. The bots are temporarily paused as the team prepares for an upcoming sale event. Announcements will be up next week.

Paloma’s first Twitter AI App, Tailored, is currently undergoing front-end work. The goal is to capture utility and reward users with AI points. The host shares his excitement to showcase Tailored so that users can start playing with it.

Taariq assures that the continuous upgrades will ship fixes to issues on attestation, especially during periods of high activity and network traffic.

Paloma will start testing the deployment of GRAINS across the bridge immediately after the upgrade of Paloma, Pigeon, and the new Compass.

He thanks the Paloma community and everyone for tuning in to today’s episode.

Stay tuned for the next AMA!

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