Paloma Weekly Wings: February 15, 2024 - Paloma v1.12.1, Palomabot Growth, Palomaswap Surge, and Cosmos-SDK v0.50.0

Welcome to the weekly update on new software design from the Paloma community of developers.


The Hatchling Paloma Network of “Messenger” (v1.12.1) and the Pigeon relay module are on v1.10.2. Paloma is still young, and its Cosmwasm and EVM contracts are still unaudited and undergoing continuous upgrades on the protocol and its smart contracts. The GRAIN token is available on the Paloma mainnet but is not yet trading on exchanges. Although the flock is flying on the


mainnet, it is still subject to the continued development of Paloma’s cross-chain messaging system and the security guarantees offered by the GRAIN token. We expect “Messenger” to experience weekly chain halts and chain restarts. We also expect numerous undiscovered vulnerabilities. No one on this project controls or influences the price of GRAINs. The community will strive to preserve the mainnet state, which includes balances, but considers this mainnet high-risk. Proceed with caution.

Paloma v1.12.1 was successfully deployed by all validators on the messenger mainnet and testnet-15 on Monday February 12. Pigeons are at the heart of the Paloma value prop. They are responsible for relaying messages on time and thus power all Palomabots. The Volume team is currently working on improving Paloma’s Quality of Service (QoS) and dynamic routing feature, “Pigeon Feed”. With v1.12.1 all currently available metrics are being tracked. Validators are now able to view their performance metrics using the

palomad q metrix validator

command. More details on the metrics and the module can be found in the

Paloma Forum

and in the

Paloma github readme


v1.12.1 also registers all available HTTP API endpoints for all custom modules. To enable the API by default, users running palomad, will need to set




in their



Lastly, this upgrade refreshed the cosmos SDK Ledger dependencies, so that users can continue accessing their paloma wallet with a Ledger device.

Paloma Chain hits over $24MM in Volume on the continued growth of the cross-chain bots from the Palomabot project. The bot with the most volume continues to be the Curve TWAP Bot. This bot breaks one larger swap into multiple swaps. Curve Leverage Bot continues to attract more users.

Palomaswap volume has massively grown since the beginning of the month with 89 transactions since February 1st. The total swap volume was over $97k and about 9k GRAINS were awarded as Tokenback to all users who swapped via Palomaswap.

Swap your tokens on popular DEX and chains here and get some free GRAIN:

The Vitwit team continues to work through reviews of the Paloma and Pigeon binary upgrades and fixing the issues found along the way. The focus for this week continue to be refactoring of the Cosmos SDK 0.50.0 signing features that are no longer functional, but still used by Paloma for Pigeon Operator Keys.

Stay up to date and follow the Paloma public repositories and the commits of ongoing upgrades to the Paloma Cosmos-SDK blockchain and the Pigeon relay module here:

The Multi-chain Pigeon from #PalomaAIArt Competition by SECARD

Paloma upgrades to v1.12.1, continues work on Pigeon feed and partnering with Vitwit for Paloma’s upgrade to Cosmos-SDK 0.50.0 with end-to-end testing. We continue to fly faster and faster with each week! COO! COO!

To learn more about Paloma, please visit

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